The term “mail merge” might not be familiar to those who have not worked in an office setting, but here is the Wikipedia definition:

**Mail merge** is a software operation describing the production of multiple (and potentially large numbers of) documents from a single template form and a structured data source. The letter may be sent out to many "recipients" with small changes, such as a change of address or a change in the greeting line.


The other day I was working on creating personalized handouts for a workshop. That is, each handout contained some standard text (including some R code) and some fields that were personalized for each participant (login information for our RStudio server). I wanted to do this in RMarkdown so that the R code on the handout could be formatted nicely. Googling “rmarkdown mail merge” didn’t yield much (that’s why I’m posting this), but I finally came across this tutorial which called the process “iterative reporting”.

Turns our this is a pretty straightforward task. Below is a very simple minimum working example. You can obviously make your markdown document a lot more complicated. I’m thinking holiday cards made in R…

All relevant files for this example can also be found here.

Input data: meeting_times.csv

This is a 20 x 2 csv file, an excerpt is shown below. I got the names from here.

**name** **meeting_time**
Peggy Kallas 9:00 AM
Ezra Zanders 9:15 AM
Hope Mogan 9:30 AM
Nathanael Scully 9:45 AM
Mayra Cowley 10:00 AM
Ethelene Oglesbee 10:15 AM
... ...

R script: mail_merge_script.R

## Packages

## Data
personalized_info <- read.csv(file = "meeting_times.csv")

## Loop
for (i in 1:nrow(personalized_info)){
 rmarkdown::render(input = "mail_merge_handout.Rmd",
 output_format = "pdf_document",
 output_file = paste("handout_", i, ".pdf", sep=''),
 output_dir = "handouts/")

RMarkdown: mail_merge_handout.Rmd

output: pdf_document

```{r echo=FALSE}
personalized_info <- read.csv("meeting_times.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
name <- personalized_info$name[i]
time <- personalized_info$meeting_time[i]

Dear r name,

Your meeting time is r time.

See you then!

Save the Rmd file and the R script in the same folder (or specify the path to the Rmd file accordingly in the R script), and then run the R script. This will call the Rmd file within the loop and output 20 PDF files to the handouts directory. Each of these files look something like this


with the name and date field being different in each one.

If you prefer HTML or Word output, you can specify this in the _output_format_ argument in the R script.